After Lucia (Michael Franco, 2012): Mexico

Reviewed by Robin Eriksson on November 2 at AFI Film festival in Hollywood.

A drama movie directed by Michael Franco.  The main actor is Tessa La and she has been an actress in The burning plane and Rebelde too. After Lucia was one of the more touching films I’ve ever seen. It was about a young girl who moves with her father (Roberto). They are grieving for the loss of their wife/mother who died tragically in a car crash a few months ago. Trying to start afresh, they move to Mexico City to join a new restaurant (Roberto is a chef) and a new school respectively. But Alejandra’s good social status doesn’t last long, after she drunkenly has sex with José at a party and he films it with his phone camera. At the school next day Alejandra gets the stamp as a slut and everyone starts to bullying her. They do many horrible things to her and i started to feel very uncomfortable when i was sitting in the audience, I just wanted to step in and help her, and I think many others also felt like that in the audience. But i think it was that feeling the director Michael Franco wanted us too feel.

An interesting comparison between the movie Clip and After Lucia is that they both bring up question about posting intimate pictures and videos online. But in After Lucia it was a devestating expierience while in Clip they are posting the pictures themselves. This brings up interesting questions about the differences in culture throughout the world.

I personally dont like the style that this movie was shot in, with the long locked of shots and slow editing. This obviously is done to add to the effect of uncomfortablness and it really works. Especially thi final shot is really well done, the almost three minutes  long shot is done to perfection and the ending still gives me chills. To conclude I do not recommend this movie, especially if you have a weak stomach.


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