Dasepo Naughty Girls (Je-Yong Lee, 2006): South Korea

Reviewed by Richard Feilden.  Viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival

___Something is odd. Somethings not right…

________Je-Yong Lee has created a fright!

_____The pink-haired chorus sets the tone for the show.

_________No serious film this, just go with the flow.

__A cyclopean student wants to get laid.

______While Poverty-Girl plays games to get paid.

__________Syphilis teacher clears out the room,

_____Cross-dressing mobsters? Young love’s first bloom?

_A fragmented story, too much to take in

______Head-teacher makes virgins for the demon within?

___A collection of scenes, not really a whole

_____Outrageously funny, but without a real soul

__________But have fun with the cast, lipstick and all

__Cast all fears aside and you’ll have a ball.

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