Santa Barbara Film Festival 2013 Film Critics

Santa Barbara International Film Festival: 2013
January 24 – February 3, 2013

Santa Barbara Film Festival 2013 film critics and reviews:

Jan Berg
Casey Cummings
Jacob Dekker
Sandra Doyle
Robin Eriksson
James Feinberg
Thomas Gaglio
Jian Gedrick
Cecilia Gonzalez
Jillian Halverstadt
Susan Harvey
Miles Hayford
Kimberly Howard
Lauren Jackson
Emma Karlsson
Jeremy Levi
Tobias Luvenberg
Linda McComb
Steve McComb
Micah Mccabe
Melanie McComb
Aleksandar Miljkovic
Lynn Montgomery
Reyes Munoz
Mikael Myggen
Sofie Oden
Nathaniel Paull
Mitchell Schena
Bernard Sepulvado
Christopher Stull
Abdulkadir Suleyman
Michael Trieste
Olivia Ward
Kevin Watson
Grace Williamson
Laura Wyatt

Nico Maestu (Faculty Advisor)



Film Review Club: Reviews of current film releases, streaming films, and revivals by student members of the SBCC Film Review Club.

Film Festival Course: FS108: Film Festival Studies: Santa Barbara International Film Festival and AFI Fest: Hollywood (2 or 1.5 units). Field course at film festivals to study U.S. and international fiction, experimental and documentary films.

Contact: Prof. Nico Maestu ([email protected])

Follow SBCC Film Studies on Twitter.
