Simple Simon /I Rymden Finns Inga Känslor (Andreas Öhman 2010): Sweden

Reviewed by Ulrika Bjorck at Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2011

This is that kind of feel-good film that you just need to see once in a while. But it’s not one of those cheesy versions that you just see and then forget all about. This is a very special, actual feel good movie that you will remember for a long time. We get to meet Simon, an 18 year old boy with Asperger’s syndrome. He has extremely odd habits which contribute to make this movie both warm and funny.

Simon (played by Bill Skarsgård), is a guy that wants to do everything right but doesn’t always necessarily actually manage to do that. In his own opinion this is something he can’t help or do anything about because, as he says himself, he has Asperger’s syndrome, so that’s why. In order to feel satisfied in life, Simon has to follow a strict daily schedule.

In the very beginning of the movie we find Simon locked into his “spaceship”, the only place he can be himself and the only place he can be alone with his thoughts without being hurt. Because you see; in space there are no feelings and in space you can just be. Simon is just about to move into an apartment together with his older brother Sam, who means the world to him. Along with them comes Sam’s girlfriend Frida. Frida can’t stand all of Simon’s rules and restrictions, which soon makes it impossible for her to live together with them two. After one too many troubled occurrences’ with Simon, one day she decides to move out and break up with Sam. As Simon can’t stand the sight of his brother sad and down, wanting things back to normal, he decides to set out on a hunt for a new, perfectly suited girlfriend for Sam.

What I absolutely loved about this movie was all the bright colors. I kind of realized during this film how the colors in itself can affect the mood you are in. The second this film started I immediately got into the right happy mood. The dialogue is hilarious and I just sat there in my seat with a smirk on my face.

I have to say it’s kind of amazing that this was the first feature film Andreas Öhman has ever been directing. It is done with such precision and timing and I would be surprised if someone told me this isn’t a funny, sweet movie. I really liked the acting and the music that was added to it as well, and all these little or big details just made the wholeness very well composed.

So, what I’m trying to tell you all is that you have to go and see, or rent this film today. In my opinion you won’t be disappointed. But watch out; if you’re not into feel good, happy ending comedies as I happen to be every now and then, this is not the movie for you.

Simple Simon

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