Narcocorrido (Prows, 2012): USA

Reviewed by Samuel Ek. Viewed on November 3rd at AFI Filmfest

When go into a theater to watch shorts I usually come out thinking “meh, I could do that”. But Narcocorrido by AFI student Ryan Prows is not your typical student short. I’ve always been a strong believer that a short film should never excede two locations or more than 3-4 important characters. Prows obviously feels the same way since almost the entire movie takes place on a backroad close to the Mexican border and focuses on a encounter between a desperate for fast cash border cop and a Mexican drug cartel owned transport. The movie is a very intense short story that really throws you back and forth between your opinion of what’s going on and who’s who which made me feel like Narcocorrido could have been the opening scene of perhaps a Breaking Bad episode. It’s definitely a short worth seeing if you’re interested in action packed but still emotionally vexing stories.

The acting by Nicki Micheaux is really sublime and enthralling. Her portrayal of the slightly crooked border cop who thinks she’s robbing the cartel of their drug money is subtle but still she manages to make me feel for her. That Prows could get actors such as Micheaux, Emilio Rivera and Raul Castillo gives hope to all student filmmakers out there that all you need is a strong script and a vision. The fact that Narcocorridos underlaying theme is about border issues makes it all that more current and hearing Prows at the Q&A after the screening saying that he’s turning it in to a feature makes me very intrigued what he can squeeze out of this story and Nicki Micheauxs acting.

In conclusion I’d like to recommend this to all student filmmakers because it really shows that it doesn’t matter if your final product is a two hour long feature or a twenty minute short. As long as the story is solid you anything can be good!




AFI Thesis short by Ryan Prows

Serious actors

Really well done short, action drama

Turning in to a feature

The story about a female cop robbing a truck that belongs to the Mexican Drug cartel

Good special effects for a short

All the action taking place in one location, but movie starts and ends in another.

Shows the change in character of the mexican guy in a beautiful way.

Meaning of film is flaws in humanity

Editing was solid



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