Gimme Shelter (Ronald Krauss, 2013): USA

Review by Lauren Jackson. Viewed on DVD.

Based on an inspiring true story played by lead actress, Vanessa Hudgens, this movie/documentary shows the life of a young 16teen yr old Agnes (Apple) Bailey grow as she overcomes the troubles with her mother and the struggle with surviving the outside world.

In this movie, Brendan Fraser stars as the father of Agnes (Apple)-though she stubbornly refuses to be referred to as Agnes, a name given to her by her mother played by Rosario Dawson-and would rather be called “Apple” the name her father, Tom Fitzpatrick (Brendan Fraser) gave her in a letter. Apple to Agnes has more meaning to her versus Agnes does. A name given to her by her very troubled, drug addict and abusive mother who throughout the film tries so hard to get her back home and in her custody.

We start off with some loud music and we watch as some young girl decides to cut her own hair. Suddenly she’s in a phone booth trying to escape a women who happens to be her crazy mother. She manages to catch a ride with a taxi, then shoved out onto the streets. With nothing but an old tampered letter in hand, in her shoe or placed before many faces. The inanimate object soon becomes one of the most important things in this documentary giving hope.  So we continue to judge and assume this young girl could just be some stubborn child who unfortunately lives in the bad part of town. She acts like some stuck up b**** and talks like one with not the best grammar. Soon we begin to feel sorry for her as we along with the actors try hard to help and understand her.

This letter that Agnes happens to cling to as if it is the most important thing to her, and the one thing that seems to keep her going-is her answer and hopefully her guide.

Stubborn, hungry, pregnant and a runaway. Always trying to find acceptance, respect and trust- but not giving much in return nor allowing it to be given. Soon after being introduced to a couple sides of a story, the story soon makes a dramatic shift when we realize Apple is pregnant. Her father’s wife is already not very accepting of Apple, clearly she is not giving in to the idea of Apple having a child. Abortion is her idea, but not so much Apple’s. She runs away a few times, and after stealing a car landing herself in a car accident, she meets a priest who gives her a different perspective on life. Apple decides to give it a try, a home for young teenagers trying to raise their newborn or to be born babies. Finds reason to belong, acceptance into a new family. She ends up having to make a decision in living with her father or living with her girlfriends.

She has her baby, calls her Hope, and lives a good rest of her life.

Even if my description might not seem well written. I suggest you see this at least once. Vanessa Hudgens plays a very good role. Brendan Fraser plays a good father, one who isn’t sure of what to do but tries to help knowing he is somehow responsible. The story ends with a good ending.


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