Born 2 Drive (Daniel Fahre, 2019): Norway

Reviewed by Benjamin Bearman at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2020.Related image

This documentary is about a father and son relationship unlike any other. The father, Petter Solberg, is a rally car race world champion. His son, Oliver Solberg, was brought up around motor sports since he was born. Early on, he understood the mechanics of a motor vehicle. As Oliver matures is goal is be as good and eventually better than his father at rally racing.

The film uses fast seamless transitions between shots on a montage of  the rally car getting worked done in the pit to them turn a bolt and the camera turning to a drone shot of him practicing racing and driving. Oliver uses his fathers championship rally car in his very first rally car race as in fact the youngest rally car racer ever at just fifteen. After a thrilling first race, Oliver gets third.

The cinematographer’s decision to use tight close up shots on Oliver is to emphasize his feeling of pride. Competing, finishing, and placing in a rally championship. It’s at this moment the film transitions to an intimate scene of father and son talking as his father highlights the hard work needed to put in previous to that race that got him that championship. Oliver expresses he’s determined to win the Nordic Championship and enlists in school to develop his skillset further in FFSA Academy in Le Mans, France. This is a racing school that is a huge opportunity.

The scene of his second circuit race is incredibly close and Oliver ends up on top! His win hand in hand with his incredible bond between him   father was very touching. It almost brought me to tears.

Unforeseen health events effect Petter’s motivation and eventually this takes a toll on the father, son relationship. This along with a string of bad luck in races raises tension but Oliver’s will and determination never flutter. Petter and Oliver’s relationship is strengthen through these racing mishaps over advice on grounding oneself. Petter said,”Its about how you face and deal with problems.” This amplifies Oliver’s drive to win and literally drives him up an uphill battle about bettering himself. His training increases as his focus to win becomes sharper.

Through the filming during the races with the music and the close ups of dirt and debree flying you really felt like you were in the arena watching the race. Oliver receives an epic score and wins! At this point I’m basically holding back tears as his father congradulates him on the Nordic Championship win! In turn Oliver motivates Petter.

The final scene of the film closes off cutting back and forth with this footage and old home footage of Oliver and Petter riding on Oliver’s first four-wheeler in their yard as a young child.


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