Witch Hunt (Don Hardy Jr., Dana Nachman, 2008): USA

Reviewed by Nicole de Jong. Viewed at the AFI Film Festival, ArcLight Hollywood.

When I saw the movie Witch Hunt for the first time, I thought it was a good movie. The movie is actually a documentary. Witch Hunt is a movie for everyone, except for children. It is interesting for everyone.

I saw Witch Hunt at the AFI festival. The movie is directed by Don Hardy and Dana Nachman. Witch hunt is a documentary, people who have played in this documentary, were the real people. John Stoll, Jeff Modahl, Marcella and Rick Pitts, Brenda and Scott Kniffen were these people.

Witch Hunt is a documentary that chronicles the unraveling of a small town’s justice system. The subjects, working-class moms and dads, all were wrongly convicted of child molestation in the early 1980s in Bakersfield.

In this documentary you see the real world. There is no acting involved. There are dramatic sounds used. The documentary shows you a lot of time the same pictures from the people, who were wrongly convicted. That makes the documentary real and sad.

This documentary is good, because now people get to know that such things happen in the world. People in the world have to know that such things happened. It should not be happened at all!

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