The Last Lions (Dereck Joubert/Beverly Joubert, 2010): UK

Reviewed By Nick Hincapie. Viewed at the Santa Barbara Film Festival 2011

I ask you, will man kind ever try to protect this Earth and it’s creatures or will we continue to destroy it? I ask this ask question because I recently saw this documentary called “The Last Lions”  and I was moved by the film and loved the way that film makers portryaed the lions and made me care about them. Immediately after seeing the film I did some research about Lions and learned a lot of interesting information. I learned that the number of Lions has decreased over the years and estimates that there are range of 47,000 living in the wild. Apparently people in Africa hunt Lion for Sport and some people believe that if you eat part of a Lion you will gain it’s strength. I for one am ashamed  to live in a world were people kill creatures who are significant to the planet and I could never imagine living without them. Currently there Conservation parks in  Africa and Asia that have protected lions and other animals. The parks that help them are Estosha National Park and Kruger National Park. I recommend “The Last Lions” to anyone who cares about the creatures or the over all planet because this movie will make you care. Trust Me.

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