Sputnik Mania (David Hoffman, 2007): USA

Sputnik Mania (2007) was the first film that I saw at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. For a kid born in the late 80’s Sputnik did not seem like a big deal to me. In retrospect nobody really remembers the weight of this event. This was a great film because it let relayed the importance of Sputnik and the immediate repercussions it had on the rest of the world. With beautiful footage and editing this documentary, driven by its music, carries your attention to a power that is “out of this world.” This will be a good film to show students of all ages, who don’t really grasp Sputniks weight in our history. I believe this is a film that every one born after ’75 should see and especially those children of the 90’s and beyond. I don’t know a lot of things but what I do know is that I am going to get my 11 year old brother to see this film, whenever I can.

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