Summerhood (Jacob Medjuck, 2008): Canada

These days, there is almost too much information. Please take this statement seriously despite the fact that it might sound like some nostalgic old timer loon pining for the bygone days of yore. This easy access of (seemingly limitless) information is impacting the way we see films.  Trailers (teaser to full plot), reviews (with or without spoilers), “reaction” videos on Youtube and general media “buzz” frame our understanding of any given film before we have a chance to feel and interact with it.   I completely understand that it is a key part of the industry, allowing people to understand what they are going to see before dedicating 2-3 hours, battling traffic and paying $10-$20 for a single ticket. I understand that without this transparent spoiler atmosphere the world just might explode. But… I argue that too much information before you see a film ruins something. Some of the magic of a movie is in the movie proving its worth to us.  Presenting itself as only the medium allows. Creating a connection with images and sounds that change how we feel. Emotions suspended in disbelief. And at the end, after the credits roll, if you felt something, anything, then it was worth it. Even if those feelings are anger and disgust. There is more power for a film if you are unaware of the subtle twists and turns. If you know nothing about the plot then the film has an infinite possibilities stretched out before it and us. It can pull you in any emotional way. If you are aware of the plot or are expecting a scene or a gag something changes. You loose your suspension and you can resist, look for flaws or become bored because you’ve already been there. Reading a review or seeing a mini version of the film in a trailer can ruin it whether you know it or not. This problem is especially apparent when reading reviews because the text is static, it’s unembalmed and put on display. In my humble opinion the less said about a films plot the better. So if your looking for a plot outline you can just leave right now because that’s not what I sell here.  I rant for the sake of Summerhood(2007).

Like most films that I saw at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival I went to this one on a whim. The moral of the story is that I liked it. It was entertaining and lovely. The actors sold what they were saying, it flowed and it grooved. There was an initial shock of the intelligence and spazzaz of these 10 year olds talking about all things adult.  Once you get accustomed to there candor this film really shines. The only thing is that you must check your prejudice at the door. If you go into this film with the mindset, I don’t like hearing young kids talk about adult themes then this movie is not for you. Its a film that is fun and genuinely so.

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