The other dream team (Marius A. Markevicius, 2012): USA

Reviewed by Gustav Orvefors. Viewed at the Santa Barbara film festival.

Inspireing and filled with love. The other dream team is not a plain film about basketball, it’s about solidarity, to never give up and to allways pursue your dreams no matter what. By watching this wonderful documentary I learn so much, and that’s not only history. I learned how important liberty and freedom really are for a country and I learned how much we take for granted today.

Something I realized is how biased the film was. I don’t agree with the Soviet Communists, but the way the documentary made the Communists “pure evil” is kind of ridiculous. But it is a American film, so I guess you couldn’t expect something else.

The other dream team is a heavy story about the 1992 Lithuanian basketball team, that played under the rules of Soviet. four of the players became symbols of Lithuania’s independence movement, and with some help from the rockband ” The Greatfull Dead” they could break free from the Soviet tyranny.

Even though I liked that the documentary is about politic, it seems a bit missleading that the title of the movie is “The Other dream team”. For some people it’s going to be a surprise, when basketball is about 10 % of the film.

The story is told by the former basketball players in the 1992 Lithuanian basketball team and that makes the story very personal. You can really feel their pain when they describes how unfairly they have been treated. My favourite part in the film is when the team arrives to America as free men. When they got to a grocery store and realized that there was enough food for everybody, they started to cry. The way he describe how horrible they had it in Lithuania under the Sovjet invasion leaved me speechless.

I loved every single second watching The other dream team, and It’s about time Lithuania gets the respect they deserve.

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