Broken (Rufus Norris, 2012): UK

BrokenReviewed by Lauren Jackson. Viewed at the Santa Barbara Film Festival 2013.

What first came to mind when you heard the title, “Broken?” A person with broken bones? Perhaps a relationship that falls apart? Hmm…

Broken, a drama film starting from the very beginning, leaving the audience confused at first, but then to an understanding once the scene after explains itself, is about but one girl who just happens to see and go through many traumatizing scenes.

“Skunk”, an 11 yr old girl from UK, lives in a small neighborhood. She goes to school and has few friends. Struggling from type 1 diabetes, every night/morning she takes a little blood test.

The film practically speaks for itself. A lot is going on, a lot to stay in tune for.

It is definitely not something for kids to watch, but it is something that will grasp your attention with a snap of the fingers. With characters like Rick, who is just the sweetest boy-his life is changed forever when Susan’s father comes out of nowhere to beat him up. Throughout the film Rick is put in a hospital until he is ready enough to be back home. His mother on the hand grows annoying, encouraging that there is nothing bad or wrong with him, that he is not ill, etc.

Susan, a typical red headed british bitch. Whenever her father finds that she has been handling a condom or she is being emotional makes an excuse in being pregnant because she had unprotected sex, she goes off naming names in the neighborhood that have not even had sex with her. So her father’s way in resolving these sorts of things are to go out and beat the crap out of them. Whether they be in the middle of teaching a class, or washing their car. Susan also has two other younger sisters, all of which are just as much of a brat as she is.

Skunk, sweet, loving, and a bit of a tomboy, shares a very strong relationship with her father.

A lot more drama occurs at the end of the film, but one things I can assure you with is a good ending.

My opinion, I liked it a lot, worth seeing more than twice.

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