Wreck-It Ralph (Rich Moore, 2012) USA

poster-wreck-it-ralph02Reviewed by Lauren Jackson. Reviewed at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, 2013.

Even if you are an adult and no longer a child, or don’t like animated films, or enjoy playing video games. This film brings fun to all age groups.

I finally got to watch the film, it was free at the Arlington, and probably one of the only films to get a kid out of bed to wait in a long line for a 10:00 am film.

I enjoyed it very much, the characters were adorable, and the lines just made everything piece together even better. Nothing bad, nothing scary. You have action, racing, adventure, etc all placed together.

Just a film about Wreck-It Ralph, who unlike Fix-It Felix wrecks things. He decides he no longer wants to be the bad guy, but wants to bring back a gold medal in order to receive pies and the luxury in being a good guy for once. In order to do so, he ventures out into other games to seek a medal in which he can play himself. In doing this, he meets Venellope, a glitchy kid who lives in Sugar Land, a land filled with candy, racing kids, and an evil King Candy who thinks he can go ahead and take over any game he wishes.

So you get a mix of killer bugs, funny catch phrases, a little romatic comedy, and sugar high fun.

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