Documentary Shorts (Featuring many, 2012) Featuring everywhere

bronzer1Reviewed by Lauren Jackson. Viewed at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, 2013.

The Bronzer:

The first in line, the story of a bronzer, an older man who has been doing the same thing for the past 30 yrs of his life, and he is still enjoying it. A likable guy, has a keen sense of humor, really original. He is a shoe bronzer, drives around from door to door bronzing shoes of all sizes.

I thought it was a very cute story. Nothing I would become interested in, but it was great to see how interested he became with his job, his passion for what he does.

Just Add Water:

Another great short. Played an important role. The entire short was just of people located in Thailand or Indonesia having a massive water fight. During that same time, there was war going on, and so during the film we would be transitioned from a water war to a real war. From water guns to actual guns. I thought it was a great short, no words were spoken, just music and visuals.

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