Driftwood (Peter Trow 2012) USA, Island,

Reviewed by Tobias Luvenberg. Reviewed at Santa Barbara Film Festival.

Driftwood is about a family that is going on surfing and culture trip around the world. It is not only about surfing for the family, it is also about to see and experience new things on the sea from different parts of the world. There first stop along the way is Sri Lanka. An island right of the coast of India where the weather is warm and in search to find good surfing spots. They learn a lot in Sri Lanka because of the Buddah festival they have like every six years, but it is a huge religion thing in Sri Lanka. There next stop is in Europa, Iceland (picture above). While they were there they had to reschedule the trip because of an erupting volcano, so they had to go to a different part of the island instead. That didn’t actually change their happiness, they found some good spots to surf on and great places to look at.

After Iceland they travel to the third place, Colombia. By their big nature of rain forest and the animals the family had chances to see a lots of nature and experience by surfing among wild elephants in the river, and by surfing among a wild blue whale and to see animals in the rain forest. They had also the chance to meet some Colombian kids that showed interest directly and wanted to try out there surfing board. Because of their culture in Colombia they easily learn how to control the surfing board and go forward by using the paddle.

The fourth and last stop is going to be Canada, but instead of traveling by air plane they decided to drive all the way up, that because they could find good places to surf on while they were on the way.

I don’t recommend people to watch this documentary, it was all the same in the movie accept that they surfed on different spots around the world. For me it was more like a culture film than a surfing film.

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