August Osage County (John Wells 2013): USA

Reviewed By Jim Saell. Viewed at AFI Film Fest 2013.

August Osage County.

There are 3 sisters (Juliette Lewis, Julia Roberts and Julianne Nicholson) that haven’t seen each other for a very long time, neither there parents. One day a tragic incidence takes place when there father, who’s a drunk, goes out alone by sea to fish and drink, do you think it something bad happens? Well, because of their fathers’ death they finally get together all of the family, so they meet up with every one of the family in the house they all grew up in. But there is one problem. Their mother just got diagnosed by cancer and takes advantage of it by taking a lot of pills that makes her crazy. Can they stand each other?


This movie was the first movie a saw in the AFI Film fest and i think it brings more emotinals then laughter to you even though its really funny, Example: Scene when Violet weston (Meryl Streep) sits in the maids lap.
This movie really reminds me of a book i read last year and in different kind of ways i could see some similar things. John Wells who is a famous and well known director did a good job with the story and who it shot, along with George Clooney who was the producer of this movie.

I love the lightning in this movie because there is no scene in the movie that you wish had more or less lightning. But the thing that really stands out is the actors.  All the actors/actresses in this movie are just perfect for their character. John wells really throw you back and forth between emotional moments to really funny moments. But in the end Its like mixing peanut butter with jelly on a sandwich, there is nothing better then those two thing together, an John wells really did this “sandwich” great.

August Osage County 2013

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