Drones (Rick Rosenthal): USA

Reviewed by Ryan McEwan. Viewed at AFI film fest 2013

Drones is a Rick Rosenthal film that goes into an action drama behind a drone team on a mission to kill a target from there screen in nevada that is half way across the world. The team goes back and forth fighting on why it is morally right and wrong to shoot this target after it has been spotted. It was a very impressive film that gives the viewer many different arguments with justifications of why it could be right or wrong. The team makes a decision based on other peoples opinions and needs.

The most interesting part of this film is how it could have all been filmed in one room, the only camera shots taken outside were right in the desert, even the house recorded of the monitor could have been filmed in the desert. This film could have been made on a very low budget but still tells a strong story.

In the beginning it was very bright lighting but as it continued it had gotten darker and darker. At one point the lights even go out because of the broken air conditioning unit. The filming looked very simple but was still very good and made me want to watch the whole movie.

The actress Eloise Mumford as Sue Lawson and actor Matt O’Leary as Jack Bowies do a great job giving the different arguments of drones. They really get into your head to thinking their argument is right just so the other character could come in and totally spin your opinion on the situation. Overall this was a great film and i would recommend it to everyone I know.


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