HER (Spike Jonze, 2013): USA

Reviewed by Yuichi K. Viewed at TCL Chinese 6, AFI Fest 2013

The communication between computers and human is being fun. Now many people everyday talk with the Artificial Intelligence. They use Siri on their iPhones, quickly get the answers of their questions, and comfortably live. This feature has been expected for a long time in literatures. In 1968, Arthur C. Clarke wrote about HAL 9000 in his masterpiece of “2001: A Space Odyssey.” “HER,” directed by Spike Jonze, simulates this kind of experiences with the Artificial Intelligence near the future.

Theodore is a writer in a letter company. Everyday, he does the same routines: he speaks sentences in front of his computer, his computer recognizes them and print it for his clients, and he posts them. Theodore has left his wife, and now lives lonely with video games and newly devices. One day, he gets an operating system with the Artificial Intelligence named “OSi,” and he has started sharing his life with his virtual attendance named Samantha. At first, Theodore lives with the impressive functions and the flexibilities, but gradually he is in love with Samantha. It changes entire his life.

At a glance, “HER” is a usual drama, but it expects a lot of the happenings in the future. After the Internet time has come in 1990s, people have loved to take advantage of their private devices such as personal computers and smartphones. They are quite useful because they follow with users, and they won’t harm. Users steadily deal with the devices, and the devices lighten the tasks of users. These processes are naturally automated now, but still it’s difficult to compare the Artificial Intelligence with a human today. However, after the 21st century has begun, professionals has started install the Artificial Intelligence as the system designs of products. Now the Artificial Intelligence is rapidly spread to the world.

In this film, this Artificial Intelligence is not only for the daily task aids. It is also with the feelings that are similar to human. These computer programs are naturally created for the purpose of helping people. Therefore, Samantha is never against Theodore, and suggests different solutions if she doesn’t have any answers. Because it is also with the remote desktop on now the computers, Theodore can access to Samantha everywhere through his smartphone as he likes. For the tenderness and kindness of Samantha, Theodore feel in love for Samantha. Then Theodore faces a lot of difficulties and anxieties with Samantha. Theodore’s feelings with Samantha and people around him should be our feelings in the future. What are the happiness of people with computers? When will the computer suddenly stop? When has the attendant suddenly changed to another virtual reality? Watchers may remember the psychological parts with virtual realities created by computers.

Spike Jonze, the director of this film, is know for “Being John Malkovich” in 1999. He has also worked for MTV, and related to show “Jackass.” Also, his music video works are splendid. Theodore is performed by Joaquin Phoenix, who is know for “The Gladiator.” He is nominated for the Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for “The Master” in 2013. Samantha is performed by Scarlett Johansson, who is nominated for People’s Choice Awards 2014 for the performance of “The Avengers.”

Already, the Artificial Intelligence has not been the future features in our lives. With this film, people realize these happenings as our future figures. In “2001: A Space Odyssey,” David Bowman was puzzled with the Artificial Intelligence of the computer named HAL9000. He and HAL9000 have talked like human. Do you like Samantha in “HER?” Does Apple’s Siri make you crazy? If you already love it and can’t leave, this generation of people may have already come true.

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