Of Horses and Men (Benedikt Erlingsson, 2013): Iceland | Germany

Reviewed by Mirass Jalil. Viewed at Santa Barbara International Film Festival.


O-utstanding acting by Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson and Charlotte Bøving.

F-rom Iceland and Germany


H-ave several ridiculous deaths of both men and horses.

O-ne of the most hilarious films I’ve seen this year.

R-eminded me of “Crash” because we se several characters stories interweave.

S-hort takes throughout the film.

E-xtreme close-ups on horses eye and a reflection of the character when changing to that characters story.

S-ometimes the horses are smarter than the people.


A-mazing ending.

N-eat and beautiful shots of the wonderful landscape of Iceland.

D-irected by Benedikt Erlingsson.


M-usic escalate as the tension rises.

E-xplores the equalities between horses and humans.

N-othing is predictable in the film, and everything comes as a chock.

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