Eastern Boys (Robin Campillo, 2013)

This film is a modern day Clockwork Orange, but it didn’t do nearly as good a job. It was interesting, I liked the way that a lot of questions went unanswered and the photography was excellent, but the story was grotty and weak.  It seemed to me that there was too much time spent on aspects of the film that didn’t enhance it or make the film better.  The sex scenes between the two men, might have been more appropriate for a porno film, but the extensive intimacy did little to make this film more valid.

Eastern Boys is the story of a gang of Russian, Ukrainian, and eastern immigrants in France who are making a living in any way they can, mainly illegally.  A middle aged Frenchmen solicits sex from a younger boy and his life changes when the entire gang of boys arrives at his penthouse apartment.  His belongings are carried out the door while he succumbs to the fact that there is little he can do to protect himself.  Daniel, the Frenchman, goes on to form a close relationship with Marek, who has been held captive by his allegiance to the gang. The leader of the gang is cruel and frightening and holds tight to his position as boss.

Daniel becomes involved with rescuing Marek from the gang.  In the end, the film was slightly redeemed by a genuine caring and Daniel’s insistence that Marek have his own space and identity.  The photography was lovely. Some of the situations were interesting but it is not a film I would recommend.

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