Montecito Award – Oprah (SBIFF ’14)


Oh My god Oprah!
Oh My god Oprah!

Wait, she’s getting an award, for her film career, what film career?

The Color Purple, The Butler, and others.
She has a home in Montecito,

Hello Montecito, we’ll have you in home by 9:30 she screams, audience laughs.

She talks about growing up poor, moving around, being molested, talks about Chicago, the Oprah Show and Toni Morison.

Spike Lee told her not to get too terribly excited about all the African-American films coming out this year, “it happens every so often, it happens every so often, then it recedes, then it recedes, the norm, the norm, is white, is white” – he said.

Oprah glows.

Oprah, will We get free cars?

Spielberg asked her to cry on cue, and she couldn’t
I remember taking salt in my hand and trying to put it in my eyes.
I remember thinking of my dead dog.

She’s turning 60, in a week.
WINFREY: I got a lot of Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen roles

The Oprah Show was my true love, but I thank you SBIFF, I thank you.

And with that, a real life God, leaves the stage.

– keyvan yaldai

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