The Grump (Dome Karukoski, 2014): Finland

Reviewed2015-04-17_Mielensapahoittaja_pressi1_lw by Beata Bergman. Viewed on Santa Barbara International Film Festival. I thought this movie was really fun. It takes place in Finland. I could actually relate to my father that is 64 and also from the 60’s. Hi is not that modern either, but a little more and not grumpy at all.

The Grump or Mielensäpahoittaja as it’s called in Finland is a surprisingly fun comedy there we get to watch a grandfather that struggles with modern changes since 60’s. It is 2014 and he is visiting his dotter in law that has a very big and modern house. She (Lissue) is a business woman and a very busy one of that so when hers father in law comes for a visit and does not know or accept that they do things differently, things get messy. There is a red line throw the film that explains that love is the most importen thing. He is very bitter, stubborn and hard to deal with but has a nice heart.

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