The Signal ( William Eubank, 2014): USA

Reviewed by Raven Arce. Viewed at Santa Barbara Film Festival.

T – hree kids start off on what seems like an ordinary road trip.

H – eading on their way to California to drop Haley (Olivia Cooke) off, they receive a message from Nomad.

E – ager to track down the hacker who exposed the security faults at MIT, the group searches for him.


S – liding deeper down the rabbit hole they find Nomad, but the results aren’t exactly what they expected.

n spirit with the mystery of The Twilight Zone, this movie will keep you guessing.

G – ood special effects in the moments it counts and the camera work hides it when it wasn’t necessary.

N – ew and fresh concept that really keeps the watcher entertained.

A – t times, the story can get a little confusing as if they were planning on going a different direction.

Leaves you with a want to know what happens next.


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