Payback (Andre Moraes, 2015): Brazil

Reviewed by:Reynaldo Ayon Viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival


Payback is a film full of crude comedy, and a big twist in the story. Andre moraes has such as vivid creativity when it came down to directing the movie he had planned. This feature film starts out with a group of film makers  a movie they made and had high hopes on their films. 2years late they all end up bankrupt and go their separate ways entertaining children at birthday parties, selling drugs, and being a tire shop representatives. The producer of the group Eric(Julio Andrare) reaches out to the past director of the film Vitor(Bruno Torres) and the actors and try to budget a action film under 10,000 through a contest that they won out of.

The plot of the film that they plan to produce throughout the movie is a “road movie” where a redneck drug lord known as Joe Joe kills a a owner of a gas station and his daughter her husband go on a rampage cross country looking for the man robbing the people who are associated with Joe Joe.

The director of this film (Andres Morares) has had worked in a bank heist movie in the past producing the music an he got inspiration in this movie by reenacting some small armed liquor heist in the movie. His work in this movie has been the best and its US premiere has been well received by the western audience. It’s a crossover between action and mystery since many of the events of the film change the overall motive at the end.

In conclusion, the film is very interesting and does keep the audience focus throughout the whole film with its crude humor, it’s well shot action scenes and the fact that not everything is what it seems throughout the movie with the motives of the characters being other than filming the movie. The basic knowledge of the film just having a low budget amazes the viewers and its as if the movie came straight out of Hollywood.This is a movie those those individuals who want to see a movie that will keep out all the filler scenes and will have something happening in all the scenes.

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