Force Majeure (Ruben Östlund, 2014) Sweden,France,Norway

large_souBhWxIsuTNsmFiHfdpk1jeYQ4Reviwed by Reynaldo Ayon viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival

Force Majuer is a film which keeps the viewer on the edge of their seats waiting for something to happen during the many events of the film. From near miss avalanche attacks, to the one of the many times the scenario of the story gives us the sense that one of the members will die in a tragic accident. This film is jam packed with drama and suspense, its just great.

The father of the 2 children and his wife go to a resort in the French alpines for a family vacation since the father of the children seems to never dedicate time with them. Progressing the story it seems to be that the two married couple don’t get along as they used to so they start fighting like cats and dogs while their children get sucked into the problem. They try to figure out why this is happening between the two of them try to fix the situation of the film.

The cinematography is what catches the viewer’s attention. Whenever there is a important scene about to come on the viewer’s attention comes to the orchestra that plays while snow trucks pass by shifting the snow back into the mountains. A storm also plays some time during the second or third day giving the viewers a sense that something tragic in the story will happen. there is a janitor who watches over the mother and father whenever they fight which makes the viewers think about the mysterious character who never says anything and knows how the whole thing will play out.

The message that I believe in which makes the story make sense to the viewers would be about primal instincts and how the meaning of survival takes place. Concluding the outcome. I believe the story plays out well and some people would need to watch it more than once to to get a good understanding of th film that the director Ruben Ostund made. It’s worth a watch for those who believe they need something new and refreshing to watch.

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