The Gaza Surf Club (Philip Gnadt, Mickey Yamine, 2016): Germany | Palestine | USA

Reviewed by Hanna Olsson. Viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2017.

T -wo different cultures, communities, circumstances

H-eart for the sport surfing and the ocean

E-volution of surf in Palestine despite circumstances

G-round and community is damaged but does not stop them from their passion

A-lleviate the struggle and hardships on The Gaza Strip

Z-eal for surfing and teaching others

A-pproach surf as escape from reality

S-truggle to leave Palestine and receive passport

U-rgency to see Hawai’i and how to make surfboards to bring back home

R-un The Gaza Surf Club to start surfing for rest of community

F-ire to get into the water to swim and surf

C-ommunity came together to praise girl surfer

L-ove for family, for friends, for surf, for country

U-nforgettable the horror that Palestine is facing with war and blockades

B-eginning of new journey in Hawai’i surfing and learning the art of surf


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