I’m Not A Rebel (Sergio Sanchez, 2016) | Mexico, Spain

Reviewed by Gio Traina and viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2017

“Mitch, a wealthy student of Monterrey, hijacks a plane to retrieve Beatrice, who has been kidnapped by the secret police six months ago. Armed with a gun, which he doesn’t know how to use, and helped by his two friends as allies, Mitch will face the most bloodthirsty General and force him to release the love of his life”

I’m Not a Rebel is a dark comedy set in Mexico during the Dirty War in the 70’s, a time when questioning the law and defying the status quo was like asking for a death sentence. Forced disappearance, executions and repression were the order of the day. Despite the dark elements, the movie is a comedy with exceptionally funny dialogue and similar drug humor to Seth Rogen type movies. It is the story of an obedient and naive guy who unwittingly becomes a hero. The film has a great story and very witty humor. Its very similar to an American comedy which makes it hilarious. All the actors put on a great performance and have great delivery. The cinematography is amazing and stays very true to the time period its set in with the right time period cars, clothes and public opinion on communism.

Overall this was one of my favorite films of the festival. It was a perfect mix of comedy, witty dialogue and story arc. There is nothing to be confused about by the end and the plot holes are minor. The subtitles were on par and fit the delivery of the characters perfectly making the movie very easy to understand. There isn’t much negative to the movie that comes to mind and I highly recommend to any dark humor fans or fans of Seth Rogen/Judd Apatow movies.

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