
From fast action scenes and comedy containing very witty and quick scrambling anecdotes, “Stockholm”(2018),  written and directed by Robert Budreau, captivated it all. A bank robbery inspired film with similar adaptations of “Dog Day Afternoon” and the unexplainable compelling true story of a bank robbery that happened in Sweden in 1973, led to coining the term “Stockholm Syndrome”. The Canadian based film makers take you on a journey to the first ever hostage crisis in Sweden. With a time specific Bob Dylan soundtrack this film has a nostalgic feel and color on screen.

Ethan Hawke plays an evil yet awkward, charming role that you love to hate, but hate to love. The “Outlaw” that he prefers to be called holds down a bank robbery in a never before seen and absurd way. With common knowledge, obvious robbery mistakes and mishaps we find our character development unfold as the robbery gets more serious and we are introduced to a friend recently released from prison played by Mark Strong. As camera focus goes behind the shoulder between the two, this gives time for a smart and stunning bank clerk played by Noomi Rapace, to be in the mix of the absurd situation she is now apart of. With the bank clerks compliance to Ethan’s demands, she does everything in order to survive to see her husband and kids once again. With scenes involving dark humor and comical relief between high tensions and force of the Swedish police and government on the outside, we can see why one would fall captive into a mental meltdown of the Stockholm Syndrome.

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