D.O.P.E (Prodigy, 2007): USA

I found that the documentary “Dope” is very similar to the documentary Bustin Down The Door with one exception. Bustin Down The Door is about a group of young surfers that revolutionized the sport. These young guys do encounter some hard ships along the way but not as bad in comparison to the young skateboarders in “Dope.” “Dope” is about a group of young skateboarders who start revolutionizing the sport of skateboarding but come across a difficult obstacle, the obstacle of drugs and alcohol. “Dope” delivers a strong message not just to athletes but also to anyone. This message is that no matter who you are, if you are a habitual user of drugs or alcohol, they will destroy your dreams and your life. “Dope” starts out with the great stories about these guys and their interest in skateboarding. All of them win numerous competitions and gain recognition. After gaining recognition, they got sponsors. Once these skaters were stable from getting free gear, boards they started making a little cash from the competitions. This was the turning point for most of these young men. Drugs and alcohol made these skaters throw all their hard work, right out the window. One guy ended up going to jail, one became a bum and one became sober. After 15 years of drug abuse, Dennis Martinez finally had enough. He looked to god and put all his faith in him. He realized he hit rock bottom and knew if he continued using, he would end up dead. Now, Dennis has been sober for many years and is showing the film to schools and prisons across America. Dennis knows he was in the worst place possible and now wants to help other people who feel hopeless. Dennis said if he can do it, anyone could do it. This film was very moving and I recommend it to anyone. As Dennis said, “Dope stands for Death or prison eventually.”

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