God Went Surfing With The Devil (Alexander Klein, 2008): USA

Reviewed by Kazimir Berman. Viewed at Victoria Hall, Santa Barbara.

I like the angle this film brings to the sport of surfing. Not only a recreational pass time for wealthy Californians but a sport which has the potential to foster peace in the countries who are most at war.

Alexander Klein, a professional skateboarder who has taken up an interest in film making after graduating with a degree in English from UC Berkeley. While visiting Israel he met two men who run an organization named Surfing 4 Peace. God Went Surfing With The Devil is a unique documentary with a focus towards the war torn coastal provinces of western Israel and Palestine. It follows Surfing 4 Peace’s ongoing mission to get more Israeli people to go surfing instead of waging war.

The Film begins with Surfing 4 Peace founders Arthur and Matt, two Israeli residents who have a plan to deliver 23 surfboards into Gaza, Palestine. We are introduced to the local surfers in a town not far from Tel Aviv, these young boys are passionate and enthusiastic about the sport because they feel that it keeps them occupied with something that gives health and is productive. The documentary also showcases some Israels up and coming surf talent, with some footage the surf and local contests in Tel Aviv. The simple plan of importing surfboards and gear and delivering them not far from the town of Tel Eviv turns out to be a very complicated diplomatic affair. Since 2000, Gaza has been under a siege and the government, Hamas, will not allow any importations of any kind to be made, surfboards not being an acception.

We are introduced to some of Israel’s Jewish and Muslim surfers, who live their day to day lives with the knowledge that their could an attack at any moment which could take their lives or that of their friends and family. It is clear that the films message is that those who share a love for the sea, and for the sport of surfing are peaceful and want nothing more than to live in harmony, either spending their time in the ocean surfing or with their friends and family, doing their best to stay away from street gangs and violence which is commonly the norm for the youth in the Middle East.

Arthur and Matt started Surfing 4 Peace because they witnessed the effect surfing had on the people of Israel: How it seems to foster a desire for peace instead of that of hate and violence. Their goal is to empower as many Israelis and Palestinians as they can, in hopes to find common ground in the sport of surfing.

Coming together and reconciling differences is a major theme of this film. Since not many have found an effective way to achieve this in the Middle East, I give this film two thumbs up. One, because even though low budget and made by a younger film crew, the documentary plays like a very high quality film. Two, because the message of the film is so profound, and because the means by which Surfing 4 Peace strives to achieve their goals, although a slow and arduous process is proving to work little by little, creating more peace in the Middle East.

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