Elf (Jon Favreau, 2003): USA

Reviewed by Ally Perry. Viewed on DVD.

The holiday season wouldn’t be as joyful if it didn’t come with its fair share of holiday films. This genre is happy and upbeat but does seem to create a lot of repetition. After all, there has to be a limited amount of stories that Christmas can be tied into. These films help us recreate the holiday moments in our childhood that made this season so magical when we were young. Every year there are several new films added to this genre but yet I still return faithful to Elf. Will Farrell plays an elf by the name of Buddy who has just found out that he was adopted and is technically not an elf, but a human. When Buddy sets off to find his birth father, the world of Christmas collides with the busy world of work and family dysfunction.

Will Ferrell inspirationally portrays Buddy’s comical innocence. Buddy never seems to have a dull unhappy moment even though the busy world confronts him with many new problems and questions. As the elf reaches many roadblocks on his search to be loved by his father, his childlike innocence keeps him motivated and believing everything will end up okay. He is filled with endless amounts of love and finds time to share his corky way of seeing the world to find a special someone.

I loved this film and I will still continue to watch it each year. I recommend this film to anyone who is feeling in the Christmas spirit, or just feels like a good laugh. This hilarious film will soon become a Christmas classic right along side with A Christmas Story.

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