Kill List (Ben Wheatly, 2011): UK/ English

Reviewed by Daniel Matthew Harrington. Viewed at AFI Fest 2011.

Ben Wheatly’s Kill List is a horror/ thriller that is a mind bending film, with an incredibly intense ending. The camera use in this film was well but from reviews from the director Ben Wheatly this film was shot using cheap yet economical equipment. Even with standard equipment and sound technology, this film definitely keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat.

To describe, Kill List is a horror that exceeds the usual expectations of your typical thriller. It begins with the drama of the deteriorating marriage of Jay (Neil Maskell) and Shel (MyAnne Buring) and their financial problems, which only add to their complications. Desperate for money and a way to relieve his frustrations Jay jumps on a job offer which includes his close friend Sam (Harry Simpson, the only catch is they are hired hit men. As time goes by and they begin to do worse and more violent crimes, Jay starts to loose his feeling and Sam fears he his starting to loose it, after Jay freaks out on a Christian guitar player at a restaurant, then kills a convicted priest with very little remorse. As they are assigned new targets, their jobs become even more weird and disturbing.


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