La Aerial (Esteban Sapir, 2007):Argentina

A very stylized film. Through the Mise en Scene you were drawn into a bizarre looking almost cardboard world. Every one was controlled through the food they were eating. Through the TV as well. The setting seemed sparse except for the swirl, which was abundant everywhere. The swirl was nothing more than a simple circle that spun causing a hypnotic effect. The film almost had a feel like the movie Brasil. Only two people in the movie could talk. One was the mysterious mother under the hooded sweatshirt and the other was her son.

The mad and sinister old man controlled the mother. Through her voice and the monopoly on the food the people ate, he was able to control the entire population. Every one ate out of the cereal looking box and tuned into the one government controlled channel where the mother sang. I first I thought I would be bored but the rhythm and spacing of the story, but I was quite surprised as the small twists and turns kept me riveted.

The obvious message of the movie is that this oppressive government is controlling the world through means of production and industry. In the end we see the tyrant try to take away not only the voice of the people but the worlds as well. Delving a step deeper than the voice the tyrant want to have the soul of the people as well. The people fall to the ground as the words are lifted from them. It turns out to be the one lone voice that saves the world. The mother is killed or swept aside. The only other voice, the only other remaining voice is that from here son. As the words are lifted from the people it is the son’s voice crying “mother are you there”, over and over again. Through this one lone voice the whole world is righted and put back together and the evil tyrant and his thugs are wiped out.

It does not take an intellectual giant to figure this film’s deeper meaning out. The power of the voice and the power of words, even if it is just one person, speaking out has a dramatic impact on the world. Don’t forget your voice for it is through that channel that we can change the world. I will go out on a limb here and say this film might have had socialism bent to it. After seeing the film I think you will agree.

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