8: The Mormon Proposition (Reed Cowan & Steven Greenstreet, 2010): US

Reviewed by Nicholas Berquist.  Viewed at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

In lieu of the title (8: The Mormon Proposition) here’s a little twist.

8: Reasons to See This Film:

1. It’s Educational.

Probably the most underrated aspect of watching a documentary.  You actually learn something.

2. There’s a Great Story.

Underneath the message of the film is the story of two lovers who had their license revoked due to the passage of Proposition 8.

3. Conspiracy Theories.

It doesn’t matter if you love them or hate them you’re still captivated by them.  This film has layers of conspiracy mostly surrounding the Church of Latter Day Saints.

4. Manipulation of Religion.

It’s astounding how California’s Mormon population is only two percent.  Mormon funding accounted for 98 percent of the campaign gearing voters towards voting yes on Proposition 8.  Separation of church and state anyone?

5. View of American Underbelly.

Every country has citizens they aren’t particularly proud of.  This film has plenty of those citizens.

6. It’s Gut-Wrenching.

Even though it’s a documentary, the subject matter is riveting.  It doesn’t matter if you are pro or con gay marriage rights, you still have very strong feelings about this issue and this film brings those feelings out.

7. It’s Entertaining.

Documentaries aren’t always entertaining.  This one though has some CGI and some ominous voice-overs to give it a sci-fi feel.

8. You Understand the Importance of Your Vote.

Legislation affects everyone.  It isn’t just politicians pushing voters to get recognized in Washington.  What we vote on affects real people and real families.

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