In Bloom (Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Gross, 2013): Georgia

Reviewed by Iku Sato. Viewed at AFI Film fest 2013.

“In Bloom” was made by Nana Ekvtimishvili in Georgia, 2013. At the beginning of the 1990, after the Soviet Union dismantled,  Tobilisi was so dangerous city and main characters are Natia and Eka. Eka didn’t grew up with father. Her mother and big sister interfere her and She felt the stress for them. Natia’s father is an alcohol dependency and she got collapse of the family. One day, Natia got a gun from a boy and this gun changed their fate. This movie’s main point is that two girl grow up in sad times. I have never watched Georgian movie but In Bloom is  the best movie for me in Afi fest. If I mark this movie, “In Bloom” is 93 / 100 points.

After Afi Fest, I looked for other movies of Nana Ekvtimishvili but I couldn’t find it. We didn’t know her but she got some award in this year and her talent catched my heart. I can recommend this movie with my confidence.

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